Run time error

Run time error is a type of error that occurs when a computer program executing a set of instructions, encounters an unexpected condition thereby halting the program’s execution. The term ‘run time error’ is derived from the fact that the unexpected condition is identified only during the program’s execution or ‘run time’ rather than during the program’s design or compilation. The three types of run time errors are syntax errors, logical errors and run time exceptions.

A syntax error occurs when the program violates the rules of the programming language. For example, incorrect syntax in a language, such as SQL or JavaScript, can cause a run time error. This type of error is attributed to typographical or syntax mistakes during program development and is usually corrected upon inspection of the syntax.

A logical error occurs when the programmer encounters an unexpected condition that the program is not written to handle. This type of error results from a logic flaw within the program, such as an if statement having an incorrect value. This type of error is also usually identified upon inspection of the program code.

Run time exceptions are unexpected conditions that are encountered when unexpected input or data are encountered, or when an operation executed by the program, such as dividing by zero, leads to an invalid result. This type of error is more difficult to detect because it is the result of an unexpected condition and the program code does not identify it.

Run time errors may be caused by a variety of factors such as hardware malfunctions, software bugs, user input errors or even malicious attacks. It is important to properly debug a run time error to ensure that the program is free from such errors and is functioning correctly.

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