URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is a reference (an address) to a resource on the Internet, such as a web page, text file, image, video, etc. It is formatted text which consists of four primary parts:

● Network protocol – Typically http, https, ftp, and file.

● Domain Name – Host name or IP address of the resource.

● Resource Path – File or directory path of the requested resource.

● Query String – Parameters that can be forwarded to servlet within a web application (optional).

A URL is a critical component of any computer website, and is basically the “address” that people use to navigate to a specific section or page of the website. URLs are generally composed of words, numbers, and other characters, and often use forward slashes to create a directory structure within the website. URLs are not case-sensitive, so http://www.example.com is the same as Http://www.Example.com.

When a URL is entered into a browser, the browser will make a request to the web server at the specified URL. The server will then respond with either a web page, an image, or other type of file. URLs can also be used to direct users to specific pages within a website, such as http://www.example.com/products/.

When designing a website it is important to create easy-to-remember and descriptive URLs to make it easier for users to navigate the site and also for search engine optimization.

In summary, a URL is an address that enables people to access websites and resources on the Internet. URLs are the primary way of navigating the web and, if used correctly, can improve user experience and help improve a website’s visibility in search engines.

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