Machine code

Machine code, also known as machine language, is a computer program or set of instructions written in a language that is specifically designed to be executable by a machine, such as a computer, RAM chip, CPU, or other processing device. It is made up of a series of binary numbers and is the lowest level of programming language, meaning that the instructions it contains are specifically designed to be read and executed directly by the physical machine.

Machine code is generated by a compiler from a higher level programming language when the programmer runs the code. The resulting output from the compiler typically contains instructions that are designed to perform basic tasks such as storing and retrieving data, performing arithmetic operations, branching, and other operations.

Though machine code is the most efficient way to program a computer, it is difficult to read and understand. Most programmers prefer to use higher-level programming languages such as C or Java, which let them express their ideas in more readable and easy-to-understand terms.

Machine code is the native language of computers and is at the core of any computer program. Without it, complex operations would not be possible on today’s computers. With its efficiency and hardwearing nature it is vital for the efficient operation of modern computing devices.

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