
Proxies play a transformative role in expanding the possibilities of internet usage. While both datacenter and residential proxies offer the benefit of hiding your real IP address and ensuring online privacy, they also have additional features that set them apart. In this article, we will delve into the details of these proxies, highlighting their differences and helping you make an informed choice.

Datacenter vs. Residential Proxies – Explained

Proxies serve the purpose of anonymizing and securing your online activities, personal information, IP address, and browsing history. They break through digital barriers, bypass geographical and server restrictions, and safeguard your online presence. Datacenter proxies and residential proxies function similarly by masking your IP address, providing security and anonymity. These two types of proxies are essential in the proxy landscape. Now, let’s examine them more closely and uncover their disparities.

What Is a Datacenter Proxy?

Datacenter proxies are the most prevalent type of proxies in use today. They are independent of your internet connection or internet service provider (ISP). Typically, datacenter proxies are obtained in bulk from a secondary source, offering a range of IP addresses for your usage. By utilizing these proxies, your original IP address is replaced with one issued by the datacenter proxy service provider.

Each datacenter proxy possesses a unique IP address, presenting you with a distinct online identity whenever you connect to the internet. These proxies enable you to select your desired location by providing different IP addresses, making it appear as if you are browsing from anywhere in the world.

However, datacenter proxies are usually sourced from cloud service providers and are often shared among multiple users simultaneously. As a result, datacenter proxy IP addresses, not being associated with ISPs, tend to get flagged and banned more frequently.

What Is a Residential Proxy?

When your internet service provider establishes a connection between your home or office and the internet, they assign an IP address to that location. This IP address corresponds to the actual residential location from which you access the internet. When you change your physical location, your ISP assigns you a new IP address.

Residential proxies consist of IP addresses provided by an ISP. These are genuine IP addresses linked to real devices utilizing residential internet connections. By using a residential proxy, you can connect to the internet through the IP address of an existing home or office.

It’s important to note that, unlike datacenter proxies, residential proxies allow websites and services to trace the IP address back to its actual physical location. In other words, these proxies are indistinguishable from genuine internet users.

Datacenter vs. Residential Proxies: Key Differences

The choice between datacenter and residential proxies depends on your specific requirements. Datacenter proxies are more readily available and easier to find compared to residential proxies. They are generally more affordable, with some proxy service providers charging less than a dollar per IP address. Datacenter proxies offer remarkable speed advantages as they are not limited by ISP constraints.

On the other hand, residential proxies are not as fast since their speed depends on the internet connection speed of the physical IP location. Moreover, due to their affiliation with ISPs and real internet connections, residential proxies are more adept at bypassing geo-blocking. As the internet is accessible in nearly all corners of the world, residential proxies grant you access to a broader range of IP locations worldwide.

If trust and legitimacy are crucial to your needs, then residential proxies are the ideal choice. Websites have greater trust in these proxies because they are associated with genuine residential locations or legitimate ISPs. Certain websites can detect proxy connections by verifying if they are connected to physical addresses or ISPs.

Datacenter proxies often come in blocks, comprising a series of sequentially numbered IP addresses. As these datacenter proxies lack a location or legitimate ISP attachment and have sequential addresses, they are relatively easy to identify and block.

Residential proxies exhibit a significantly lower block rate compared to datacenter proxies. Since residential proxies utilize real IP addresses from genuine residential locations, they serve as excellent sneaker proxies. Websites of sneaker retailers like Adidas, Converse, and Nike can easily detect datacenter proxies and block them, while residential proxies are seldom detected.

In summary, when choosing between datacenter and residential proxies, remember that both options provide anonymity by concealing your IP address. Although residential proxies offer higher security and are more challenging to detect, they are slower and costlier. Datacenter proxies are faster, more affordable, and easily accessible but are also more prone to detection and blocking.


Once you have made your decision, it is crucial to find a trustworthy proxy service provider. You should seek a legitimate, secure, and reliable provider that offers clean proxies free from blacklisting, bans, or suspicion of suspicious activity.

At ProxyCompass, we provide you with the best of both worlds. Our service offers both static and rotating residential proxies, allowing you to own real IPs in various countries worldwide. We do not splice or share proxies; all our proxies are exclusively for your private use.

Furthermore, we offer automatic proxy alteration and replacement at specific times. Our datacenter proxies are powerful, fast, and secure. Our sneaker proxies are private, compatible with any sneaker bot, and reserved exclusively for you. Lastly, our premium private proxies provide IPs from multiple subnetworks for you to choose from, supporting both HTTPS and SOCKS5.

Contact us today to discover how our services can benefit your business!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about

Q: What are the main differences between residential and datacenter proxies?

A: Residential proxies are real IP addresses assigned by ISPs to physical locations, providing higher trust and legitimacy. Datacenter proxies, on the other hand, are sourced from cloud service providers and offer faster speeds but are more prone to detection and blocking.

Q: Can both residential and datacenter proxies hide my IP address?

A: Yes, both types of proxies mask your original IP address, ensuring anonymity and privacy while browsing the internet.

Q: Are residential proxies slower than datacenter proxies?

A: Yes, the speed of residential proxies is dependent on the internet connection of the physical location, while datacenter proxies offer faster speeds as they are not constrained by ISP limitations.

Q: Which type of proxy is better for bypassing geo-blocking?

A: Residential proxies are more effective at bypassing geo-blocking due to their affiliation with real residential locations and ISPs.

Q: Are datacenter proxies more affordable than residential proxies?

A: Generally, datacenter proxies are more affordable, with some providers charging less than a dollar per IP address. Residential proxies tend to be more expensive due to their higher trust and legitimacy.

Q: Can websites detect and block datacenter proxies more easily than residential proxies?

A: Yes, websites can detect datacenter proxies more easily since they are not associated with a specific location or legitimate ISP. Residential proxies have a lower block rate as they use real IP addresses from genuine residential places.

Q: What should I consider when choosing between residential and datacenter proxies?

A: Consider your specific needs, such as speed, affordability, trust, and the ability to bypass geo-blocking, to make an informed decision between residential and datacenter proxies.

Q: Where can I find a trustworthy proxy service provider?

A: Look for a legitimate, secure, and reliable proxy service provider that offers clean proxies without a history of blacklisting, bans, or suspicious activity. ProxyCompass is one such provider that offers a range of high-quality proxy services.

Alexander Schmidt

Alexander Schmidt is a software engineer who believes in working smarter, not harder. With 12 years of experience dealing with automation and web data extraction for analysis and research, he empowers businesses with practical tips and valuable insights delivered in a fun and easy-to-read manner to help others maximize the value and performance of their proxy solutions. When he's not tweaking his setup or consulting for SMBs, you can find Alexander geeking out on the latest tech news and AI advancements.

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