In the world of online sales, Ebay is far ahead. You can buy almost anything on this website, and quite a few people earn a lot of money with their daily sales on this platform.
Over the years, a large community has developed on Ebay based solely on buying goods at a low price and then selling them for a higher price. To improve the efficiency of these sales, users often use support software. Usually Ebay allows the use of such software.
However, sometimes an Ebay account may be suspended due to a violation of the rules. For Ebay it is important that all users are real people or companies with real goods and real buyers of those goods.
The attempt to sell or buy too many items at once alone, as well as other rule violations, can lead to the loss of an Ebay account and legal repercussions.
Why do Ebay users need proxies?
The use of proxy servers helps to avoid Ebay-blocks. A frequent reason for a ban on Ebay is the regular access to an account from different IP addresses. That is why it is recommended not to use more than two proxies for one Ebay account.
Sneaker copping
Online stores that offer sneakers often have anti-spam systems to detect unusual buyer behavior. On such sites, you can often only have one account and buy one pair of sneakers per account. Consequently, sneaker resellers need to create many accounts in order to buy the number of sneakers they need.
That means they have to create other accounts with different email addresses, credit card information and shipping details. None of this will help if you use the same computer to manage all these accounts.
Sneaker websites can identify this computer through its IP address. This is where proxies come into play. They help to disguise the real IP address so that several accounts can be created in an online sneaker store and managed from one PC.
Gamers need proxies as well
Online games are more popular today than ever. Gamers, i.e. users of online games, do not need to download and install special applications. All they have to do is register and log on to the corresponding provider website. In some situations, however, it doesn’t work without personal proxies.
Proxy server functions for online games
Proxies act as intermediaries between your computer and the web resource you want to access. Proxy servers help to hide your actual location, i.e. your IP address, and replace it with another IP address.
This is always useful when gamers want to play on websites that are blocked in their region. Using a proxy from a different, unblocked country can work around this problem.
By purchasing proxies, you can also easily perform the following actions:
- Creation and maintenance of multiple player accounts
- Effective recording of game data
- Secure input of personal data
Anonymous proxies are essential if you want to protect your account or personal information against hackers.
In addition, the ping can be significantly reduced (up to 3 times) with a proxy. “Ping” is the time span needed for data to be transferred from your PC to the server. The lower the value, the faster the gamer sees his opponent’s reaction and can react more efficiently. In online games today, immediate reaction can mean the difference between victory and defeat.
Bypass workplace locks
Another option for using proxy servers is to bypass local restrictions at workplaces or educational institutions.
Managers of large companies often try to control the (effectiveness of the) work of their employees by blocking access to entertainment portals (including game portals) on office computers.
With proxies, you can pursue your favorite pastime at any time, while information about the web resources you visit is inaccessible to your ISP and employer.