The world of work is networking more and more. Small and mid-sized companies in particular have to face the digital challenges of increasing networking and globalization.
As a result, many companies are faced with far-reaching decisions. On the one hand, the sensitive company data must be protected, on the other hand, the entrepreneur wants to benefit from the diverse services of the internet.
This is where the proxy server comes into play. It protects your company from internet attacks, because the proxy server is located between your own computer and the web server where the content of the website to be opened is stored. This means that all requests go through it.
What is important when choosing a proxy server?
The choice of proxy server is a strategic decision for companies. Proxy servers on the internet have different security standards. The security levels are divided into low, medium and high. Only a proxy server with a high security level hides the IP address so well that anonymous surfing is possible.
Free proxy servers should be used with caution. A study by IT expert Christian Haschek revealed that of 443 proxy servers examined, only 199 were online. The remaining 244 servers were offline. Of the accessible 199 proxy servers, 79% forced the requested websites to switch from the secure HTTPS protocol to the insecure HTTP procedure. This forced conversion enables providers to read data entered theoretically, such as passwords, in plain text. Christian Haschek also found out that every fourth proxy server modifies either the HTML code or the JavaScript elements. These modifications allow malware to be distributed in addition to advertising.
These risks can lead to further problems and result in mass blocking (“bans”) of accounts (e.g. in social media). Among other things, this can lead to considerable damage to the image of the company in question and consequently to economic losses. In addition, insecure proxies can easily allow sensitive or private data to be tapped by the provider or malware. The choice of the proxy server should therefore be well thought through.
What are the characteristics of good proxy servers?
If you decide to use a high quality proxy server, you have several advantages. The provider delivers the IP addresses within seconds. The security standard is based on current technology and is high accordingly. Most proxy providers give their customers a money-back guarantee that is valid for a certain period of time. Good proxy servers run reliably, support data protection and offer higher performance.
The risk that the server is not accessible is usually extremely low. There is a technical customer service available 24/7 at most proxy server providers. Especially medium and small companies should play it safe. Protect your network and your data with a good and secure proxy server.